This collage feels like real life to me. The truth about real life is that rainbows come from the stormiest skies, the garden blooms even as it’s being struck by lightning, and the boardwalk does lead somewhere, but maybe not where you’d expect. It leads to the edge of those hills, where you stand and look down at the sharp rocks below. Fearful, you turn around and walk back a little, but you keep coming back and looking down at those sharp rocks that look like sure death because deep down, you know that those cliffs represent change, and this is where you must take that leap of faith. And if you leap, from your own free will, and face killing off those old fears as you plummet down towards the sharp rocks below, you will spontaneously sprout wings and fly to the next peak, where you will continue your journey with a larger wing span.
Made with love in Montreal, Canada.
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We believe in homes that are a perfect reflection of the people who live in them